Smitten Forum

For me 2018 was drawn to a close with a bang! Dec 20 a massive windstorm hit the little island I live on plunging us into darkness. The damage was so extensive we had no power for 10 days, and an additional 9 days for before phone and internet was restored. This force of nature took 14 gorgeous Douglas fir trees surrounding our house out by their roots .
Mid way through the power outage I slipped onto a plane to another universe. I travelled to Mendocino CA to the Smitten Forum. The enchantment of this experience began as the four of us met at the airport. Picking up our rental vehicle we wound our way through San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge, our excited chatter and laughter echoing in the overfull rental vehicle. We arrived at the Mendocino Art Centre as it was getting dark and it was as beautiful as I remembered; following the sound of voices, laughter and scent of great food we found the other participants of The Smitten Forum. Oh, how to explain the benefits of the Smitten Forum?!? Inspiring, enriching, renewing, relaxing, invigorating…fabulous food, laughter, stories, sharing technical information, collaboration, support, new friendships, deepening existing ones, gorgeous scenery; in a word transformative….just as a new year should be. Thank you Marrissa Sachez and Sara Brown for one of the most amazing starts to a new year. Thank all your efforts and work and for the magic you weave into the group.